Leadership Course for Individual and Collective Goals.

Development of capacity for leaders to connect, integrate and adapt to market complexity.

Leadership Course Australia

Developing confidence and self-leadership course for emerging leaders


Leadership Course in Australia nurtures a thriving achievement-focused leadership culture.

Australia’s Leadership Course offers a transformative experience for emerging and established leaders. Designed to empower individuals to excel in leadership roles, this course aligns perfectly with modern organisations’ cultural aspirations and strategic goals. It’s more than a training program; it’s a comprehensive journey toward leadership excellence. Participants engage in a rich tapestry of learning methods, including group sessions, peer mentoring, and support networks, all tailored to foster collaborative growth and impactful leadership development.

In this dynamic Leadership Course, participants will delve into various aspects of leadership, from executive decision-making to effective team management. The course curriculum infuses practical elements like organisational leadership workshops, leadership coaching services, and action learning projects. These components ensure that every leader not only acquires theoretical insights but also hones practical skills vital for navigating the complexities of today’s corporate world. By the end of the course, participants emerge as well-rounded leaders, equipped with the skills and confidence to contribute significantly to their organisation’s success in Australia.

Remote or in-person action learning pathway

  • Awareness and strengths
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Well-being and resilience
  • Self leadership

The course is designed to promote accountability, independence and collaboration in learning and immediate application. Delivered as a combination of independent learning, interactive remote or face-to-face workshops and coaching circles.


The Leadership courses will mobilise the potential of diverse groups of individuals who may not have regarded themselves as ‘Leadership material’ but have the talent and potential to make a difference in the world. Designed for managers, leaders, students and those in professional and technical roles, the LSI has helped millions understand and change how they think and behave. 

What you’ll learn

Making sense of where you are and where you need to be.

Unlocking Potential: Nurturing Adaptive Cultures for a Thriving Future.


“The most common leadership failure stems from trying to apply technical solutions to adaptive challenges.” Ron Heifetz

Building Adaptive Capacity holds that development towards a culture that can support a thriving organisation in a complex world will require us to think about what is needed for individuals to operate effectively in the future. Considering how these people are supported collectively in their ways of working and relationships and individually through social aspects, structural processes, strategies and structures that help people to work and be different in the face of an evolving future. 

As part of a broader change program or in response to changing market dynamics. If you want to know more about our approach to culture and change.

Related Blogs

Learn more about our leadership courses in Australia.

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